Zoo Med New Zealand Sphagnum Moss Reptile Bedding - 150g - All Natural

Sale price$21.99


The 80 cubic inch container of Zoo Med New Zealand Sphagnum Moss is an all natural top substrate that is preferred over any other type of moss for terrarium and vivarium use due to its unique softness and amazing moisture-holding ability. This lush carpet-like moss is perfect for reptiles that like to burrow, can hold moisture up to 20 times its dry weight and holds more water and stays moist longer than any other type of moss. It is great for live plants and incredibly long-lasting; after other substrates have decomposed, this moss remains usable and can be washed and reused several times as a cost effective solution compared to other moss varieties. The Zoo Med New Zealand Sphagnum Moss is sustainably harvested to guarantee no damage or negative impact comes to the surrounding environment as well as ensuring prosperous growth for future generations. Natural compounds in the moss prevent it from decomposing in humid environments, making it ideal for a wide variety of applications in terrariums and vivariums. The moss is perfect for use with most species of frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and invertebrates including Hermit Crabs and can also be used with small snakes including Green Snakes, Ribbon Snakes, Garter Snakes.

  • Great for live plants and incredibly long-lasting; after other substrates have decomposed, this moss remains usable and can be washed and reused several times.
  • Harvested using sustainable methods to ensure that it will be around for future generations!
  • Holds more water and stays moist longer than any other type of moss!
  • Natural compounds in moss prevent it from decomposing in humid environments.
  • Excellent top substrate for Zoo Med’s Naturalistic Terrariums.
  • For use with most species of frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and invertebrates including Hermit Crabs. Can also be used with small snakes including Green Snakes, Ribbon Snakes, Garter Snakes, etc.

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