Instant Ocean Sea Salt - 50 Gallon mix

Sale price$37.99


Instant Ocean® Sea Salt is the most carefully formulated and universally preferred sea salt in the world. The #1 choice of hobbyists, public aquariums, and scientific research facilities, Instant Ocean Sea Salt has set the industry standard for quality, consistency, and value for more than 50 years.


  • Mix Instant Ocean® with ordinary dechlorinated tap or purified water.
  • NOTE: To prepare small quantities, use 1/2 cup of Instant Ocean per each U.S. gallon of water. Mix as directed.
  • Stir vigorously to ensure a good mix. Although the Instant Ocean solution may be used immediately, we suggest aerating the water until it achieves oxygen/carbon dioxide equilibrium.
  • Measure specific gravity with an Instant Ocean® Hydrometer.
  • Recommended Specific Gravity Range: 1.020 - 1.024 at 77°F.
    NOTE: 1.5 lbs of Instant Ocean is formulated to create 5 gallons of saltwater at a specific gravity of 1.022.
  • Adjust salt level accordingly. If specific gravity is too low, add more Instant Ocean. lf too high, add more dechlorinated water.
  • 5. Change 20% of aquarium water every two weeks to maintain optimum water quality.

USAGE NOTE: NEVER mix salt in an aquarium containing animals.

In New Aquariums:
Transfer animals to the aquarium AFTER salt is completely mixed and aerated and specific gravity has been adjusted.

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