C.B. Spanish Ribbed Newt (Pleurodeles waltl)

Sale price$75.00

Pickup available at 77 Durham Street West (Closed Mondays)

Usually ready in 1 hour


Spanish Ribbed newts are native to the Iberian Peninsula and the coastal areas of northwestern Morocco. They usually inhabit small ponds, marshes and slow-moving streams, preferring calm water with very little current. During the day they hide among aquatic plants and in submerged leaf litter.

Spanish ribbed newts do well in captivity and can live more than 10 years if their basic requirements are provided. Within a short period of time they usually become very responsive and trusting enough to take food from your fingers.


Smooth, rounded gravel of a size that cannot be swallowed is ideal; rough stones will injure the delicate skin.  Bare-bottomed tanks, which are easily kept clean, may also be used.

 Water Quality

In common with other amphibians, Ribbed Newts have porous skin that allows for the absorption of harmful chemicals. Careful attention to water quality is essential.

Light and Heat

Newts do not require UVB exposure. UVA light is not essential, but may encourage natural behaviors.

Ribbed Newts fare best when kept fairly cool, i.e. 60-68 F., although temperatures to 72 F are usually well-tolerated. Temperatures consistently above 75 F may weaken the immune system or cause other health problems. Temperature tolerance seems to vary among populations, and may be linked to the portion of the range from which the animals originated.


Click To Shop! Zoo Med Aquatic Newt FoodZoo Med Aquatic Newt Food  can be used as the basis of the diet., “freeze dried insects”, and frozen fish foods (i.e. mosquito larvae, bloodworms) should be offered regularly. Live Dew worms are one of their favorite likes here.

A variety of live foods will help ensure a balanced diet. Blackworms, bloodworms, earthworms, guppies, small crickets and similar foods will be eagerly accepted. Stocking the aquarium with live blackworms and guppies will keep your pets active and occupied.

 (Photo is actual Newts for size reference)

Please note livestock items are "Pickup / Local Delivery" ONLY. We currently do not ship livestock.

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